Tag Archives: latino

The tempest is raging!

The Tempest

My thoughts…

My thoughts have pushed me to start this blog in an effort to shine light on the issue of food deserts in the African American and Hispanic communities.  I fully understand that there are food deserts all over the world.  But, I have seen, first hand, the devestation it has had on these two communities in particular.  Being multi racial has been a true blessing.  It has allowed me to see two sides of an intricate spectrum.  Being a minority.  I feel like it has been a priveledge to be able to be open minded and have thoughts provoked about my people.  In an age of statistics and mathematics I need to set the record straight in my own head.  For my own family.  Are we truly food deserted?  Is high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and all of these other chronic disease plaguing us due to lack of health care, lack of education…lack of food?  I have observed my family and thought back on my childhood and can almost guarantee that diet is directly corralated to health in a way that we are not truly understanding.  We need to step up it.  We need to educate ourselves and do better.  If we don’t our children and children’s children will carry these burdens.  So lets explore…shall we?